Thursday, November 30, 2006


Here I am sitting in the Sportsbook area of WYNN Casino/Resort in Las Vegas last week. My 2 pals and I were watching Monday Night Football, drinking Cosmos, eating, & laughing.

I have somewhat of a goofy grin here…but I also think think the picture is very much me: I am wearing a fleece from the BIRMINGHAM HALF MARATHON (ran in Feb 06), watching football, and drinking a cosmo. Oh, the cosomopolitans were $14.50 each!! Can you beat that??

Something I thought I would share on this rainy day in Atlanta…



Anonymous said...

Nice pic! Yeah, not surprised that the cosmos were that much there!

Maggie said...

That's a great shot! ($14?!?! Damn!)

r.d. said...

How many cosmos did you down before the photo? Thanks for that, always nice to see a friendly face! Yeah, not surprised at all with the price tag.

Middle Girl said...

Lovely Pic.

Ahh Vegas. It's 22 degrees here now. brrr.

Don't miss those drink $$ though. ouch.

Anonymous said...

Great pic, AF! I was wondering when we'd get a little something from your Vegas trip. :)

Mmm...Cosmo...I made some of those on Thanksgiving.

afuntanilla said...

r.d. -- i only had 2. i'm a total lightweight

Zoe said...

Cute picture.

At $14.50 a drink I'd say it's a fortunate thing that you are a lightweight.

The Snarkess said...


Did you start the picture sharing trend? You trailblazer you. Anyways, it's so nice to see you. And now that I see IS you!!

Rainy City is a city of $15 martinis too...I commiserate! Cosmos with gin are my drink!!

Anonymous said...

Nice warm smile AF, or is that from the Cosmo?

storm indigo said...

Wonderful photo...