Friday, November 17, 2006

Curious Tripper

Would you be a maid in a mansion if you made 2x your current salary?

Would you be a garbage collector if you made 3x your current salary

Would you give your sibling a kidney if it meant they would live longer?

If your wealthy friend died and left you in charge of their estate and said you had to donate $500k to 2 charities, which charities would you choose?

If you were walking across a bridge and saw someone about to jump over/commit suicide, would you try to intervene and help?

If you were diagnosed with a terminal illness and death was immenint, would you want the medicines available or would you just want to do without?

Would you take a job you wanted that paid $300k/year if it meant you had to travel and rarely see friends/family

If you had the opportunity to work to rebuild new orleans (for a year) and you got paid your current salary, would you go? Yes, you would have to live there for a year. This is assuming you would be guaranteed to have your current job waiting for u?

Would you go work on an oil rig if you made 3x your current salary?

If your parents became completely unable to live on their own, would you take them in?


Middle Girl said...

mansion maid: no

Garbage collector: yes

Kidney to sibling: mine? no. Someone else's, yes

Charities: Hug-A-Book & Friends of Battered Women & Their Children

So very rarely walking across bridges-freak me out, but yes, I'd try.

Meds: depends, but probably not.

$300K year no x to roost: no.

New O: given those conditions, yes.

Oil Rig: no

Take in parents: Mom-yes! Dad-probably not (they haven't been together for over 30 yrs)

r.d. said...

This one looks like it might require more thinking than the others. Here goes:
Mansion- no way (that was easy)

Garbage- no way (I wouldn't be happy doing that no matter how much money you gave me)

Kidney-yes way

Something having to do with sick kids, abused kids,or homeless kids and maybe Oprah's Angel network because I know for a fact that
gets to people in need.

The bridge thing -yes

who says death is immenint, that's what I would fight and you don't need medicine for that.

Travel job-no, unless it was only for a a year or so and it required travel writing- then definately.

I could care less about my current salary, that wouldn't determine if I went or not. What I leave behind would. So I guess no

Oil rig- no way man

No. I would set them up so they would feel completely comfortable and safe in another home. There's no need to ruin everyone's life.

Are you doing all this at work afunt?

Anonymous said...

Yes, if they had a wonderful pool I could swim in and I had a fabulous apartment/cabana out back that I lived in and could have company and privacy after hours.

No - I would throw up everyday

Yes, my sister

Breast Cancer, Aids

Yes,definately - I actually talked a guy down from a ledge one time who was about to jump

It depends on if the medicines helped with physical pain - if not then no




I only have one parent and we do not speak so no - I would not.

Anonymous said...

Very thought-provoking questions, AF. Here goes:

1. No.

2. No.

3. If I had a sibling and we were on good terms, yes.

4. I would donate to the charities that this friend would have wanted me to fund (if I knew what those were). If not, then it would be a charity fighting hunger around the world, especially in Africa and then breast cancer.

5. This is tough. I have issues with people and public suicide attempts (which I won't go into) but I'd really have to be sure that the person was serious about tkaing his or her life. I'd worry if I was qualified to deal with this situation.

6. Like R.D. said, imminent death is very subjective. I would take and do anything that felt right. Western medicine, shamans, you name it. It would all be part of the learning process.

7. No.

8. I would like to say I would but I don't know if I really would. Again, it's about being qualified. Would I be of more use helping fund professionals who knew what they were doing?

9. No.

10. This has been on my mind quite a bit during all of my mother's recent illnesses. I'm an only child and being super responsible, I can't see how I wouldn't take care of her. She's my Mom and she's the greatest. I just hope it never comes to that.

afuntanilla said...

thanks for your answers! Always such a trip to me to see what other think>>>here are my own responses.

Maid - no
Garbage - probably
Kidney - tough question for me. i don't even think i can answer...
Charities -something for children, like R.D. mentioned & something to help the impoverished
Bridge - if i wasn't to stuck on being freaked out, yes
Meds - no, no meds
Travel - yes
New Orleans - in a heartbeat
Oil Rig - yes
Take in parents -N/A

Maggie said...


I like the garbage guys here in town. Very cool. Yes, I would do that.


Oxfam and Camp Mak-A-Dream here in Montana


Would the medicines cure the disease? Then yes. Otherwise, no. My mom was heavily drugged her last few weeks and it still creeps me out.


Oh hell yes!! Especially if I can choose engineers, contractors and I'm the one inspecting. Give me a place in the French Quarter please. Daily benets (sp) and chickory coffee, please.

Maybe. There's a lot of different factors on this one. I don't object to working on an oil rig. But, the kids factor in.


Anonymous said...

Maid - no
Garbage - yes
Kidney - no, she'd abuse it
Charities -women's shelter and runaway teens
Bridge - absolutely, without fail
Meds - only if they help me live until i cannot
Travel - yes
New Orleans - yes, i wanted to volunteer but employer was slow to decide about pay.
Oil Rig -NO!
Take in parents -I just have my mom left, yes i would