The other day, I wandered down to a coffeeshop I go to when I want to use free wifi. When I am there, I always get the same thing…small capuccino. It comes in a small cup with a saucer. I mistakenly ordered a latte and after I paid, I said to the young, unfriendly girl…"sorry, I meant capuccino. Do I need to give you more money?" She said, "no, they are the same thing." I said, "oh, you mean they cost the same?" "No, they are the same" (me looking at her confused as all hell) Girl says, "latte and capuccino are the same drink"
I had to bite my tongue to correct her. I was too tired from my running and just wanted to sit down and zone out. Inside, I am thinking.."okay, whatever…where the hell did you come from". (I had not seen her before and I go there quite a bit so she is probably new)
I caught the other young woman who was actually making my drink before she started and said, "the latte is supposed to be a capuccino…and you could put it in a little cup with a saucer instead of that big mug? Thanks!"
Sometimes, you just gotta have it the way you want it. Especially at this particular coffeehouse which charges the most for coffee out of any place I have ever been in my life. Ever. But, the cashier…man…I just wanted to tell her what the freaking difference actually is between the two.
Last night, I went for a massge at a place I usually go to but at a different location. It was last minute cause my aching hamstrings could not wait any longer. So. I went in and the woman asks me what kind of pressure. Do I want deep tissue? Yes, I say…but I will tell you if it is too much pressure.
She says, "o.k., so just so you know…deep tissue is $15.00 extra." I wanted to just roll my eyes at her…in fact, I probably did roll my eyes. "okay" I said. (let me just say that NO ONE has EVER brought up a fee while I am standing in the massge room) It's a spa so the fees are already known and discussed beforehand, not with the massage therapist.
Anyways, the massage progressed and if that was a deep tissue that I got for $90, I was seriously RIPPED OFF. So, you know what…YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!
I need a drink.... or a hug.... :)