Saturday, September 23, 2006

How You Won't Find Me...

I am not an ambivalent person. To me, ambivalence would kill my spirit, my soul....a very slow and painful death it would be.

To be energized, to be stung, to be caught up in a moment with a love, a loathing, a lusting, a devastation, a thrill..these are the experiences that make my life rich and that make me whole. if i am not sometimes goofy, mad, frustrated, silly, sweet, lonely, lost, loving, playful, rageful....than what am i if not just a bump on a log. That has never been me. That will never be me. I want it all. Bring it. Show it. Appreciate it. Welcome it. Even when it hurts.

Life has shown a few things so very clearly...that there are 2 sides to everything: birth and death. sadness and happiness. creation and destruction. a smile and a frown.

To me, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing, showing, and experiencing the full range of myself or another. We are not stones. We are human beings. We were once all children, infants....they are the ultimate displayers of the wide ranges of emotions. Going from happiness and joy in one moment to tears and screams in the next. They are never shy about expressing all of what is inside.

I believe in being in the moment.Truly. Being in the moment. Because it is all I have. Right now. And because of this, i so easily fall in love...with moments.


Kelly said...

Lovely post and so very, very true. Two of the qualities I value immensely are passion and curiosity. When I find myself waning in either or both of these and I notice myself listing towards ambivalence, I know that it's time for some re-adjusting.

Enjoy this unique moment to the fullest and thanks for some great things to think about on a Saturday afternoon.

Maggie said...

Sometimes I find myself in the fog of ambiguity. I don't really realize that I'm there until something shakes me up. Then I run like hell to get out of there!

Trinity2 said...

I like it - living in the moment!
For whatever it is - to recognize it and appreciate it.