Sunday, August 13, 2006


aren't scars intersting? or do you find them ugly? I find them fascinating. I have a lot of scars on my body. i have 10 alone on my two legs. they range in size from very large to small, but not tiny. i think i got my first scar when i was about 6 or 7. when i look at my scars, i am not embarassed or shy about them. they are a part of me and show the life i have lived, this far.

do you have scars? like them? hate them? like them on others, but not yourself?

just curious...


Trinity2 said...

Yes, I like them. I feel like they are war wounds - gone into battle and came out alive!
My favorite one is the one on my lip - women have told me they find it quite sexy ;-)
The second favorite is the one on my arm from taking my cat to the vet - it reminds me of that day and despite the situation how hillarious it is to tell the story. What a battle that was....

The Snarkess said...

I love them. Scars are my brother and I always say - chicks dig 'em.

I have lots...and I love them. My favorite one is on my forehead where my dad bounced me into a bunk bed by accident when I was one and nearly cracked my skull (and my dad nearly got a divorce!) and one on my knee which is from falling off my tricycle, but which I tell people is from a knife fight that sparked up suddenly in in a Mexican cantina where I defended myself from ten banditos with only a broken bottle of whisky and a bullwhip.

(For the record, I've never been to Mexico.)

Trinity2 said...

Yeah, my surgery scar on my side I always say it was "that one night in Detroit..." I've never been to Detroit, either.

afuntanilla said...

ok, ya'll -- i ALSO have a huge scar on my stomach that could easily be made into a FANTASTIC story about a big ole brawl i was in...but, was from my spleen removal

Trinity2 said...

You in a big brawl?? LOL!