Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's When

It's when you get older and the tables turn a little that you realize that getting love and giving love come as a package-that finding someone to love is as important as finding someone to love you. I look around and see so many people wanting to be loved, waiting to be loved, waiting for some big, generous, comforting, nourishing being to drop out of the blue into their lives and give them LOVE. Love with a capital EL. The question is: will it ever happen? Or will it ever happen the way they want it to happen? Can it really happen? Can it really happen that way?.....maybe, maybe.

-Richard Stine


Trinity2 said...

It doesn't just fall into your lap unless you are Ready (with a capitol AR) for it! ;-)

Kelly said...

I believe that we draw the people and situations to us at exactly the right moment for learning and growth. This also goes for those people and situations that are challenging.

Have you, with the clarity of time and space, looked back on what was a challenging or painful situation and realized the gift that it ultimately was? I certainly have.

We are powerful creators of our experience even if most of our creating is unconscious. Just imagine what we could create if we were conscious and deliberate?

The Snarkess said...

I think the act of loving makes one worthy of love. In other words, karma forces us to be who we would wish to love before we can recognize ourselves :)

That's what I keep telling myself. But then again, I am head over heels for someone who probably doesn't know my last name and who only communicates with me via text messaging. Not exactly a sweeping romance.

Come on, karma, come on...