Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just Something

This blogging thing is interesting, isn’t it. I mean, now, there are a clan of folks who frequent each other's blogs and have been for a while. We begin to have a small window into each others lives. Some share more openly than others and everyone is unique in their own way. We all seem to have these "personalities" via the blogging sites and it certainly makes me curious as to how close to real life these personalities actually are. It's strange…all we have are our posts and comments which, of course, we make and then those are completely open to interpretation by the reader. It's just interesting…I am simply making obvservations about the whole thing. I'm struck by how, like in real physical life, there are blogs I am drawn to and those I am not and I cannot really say why. Just like people…sometimes you meet someone and you connect and sometimes not and you can't really put a finger on a reason why. I think the neat part is that as we have grown to learn more about one another, there is a caring element. When someone is having a shitty day, the comments seem very sincere. And when someone has a happy report, we all cheer. It's neat. It feels real.


Theresa said...

One of the best compliments I ever received was from a bloggy-friend I met for dinner a while back. He said I'm exactly the same in-person as I am on my blog. It made me happy to know that even though I keep some parts of myself private, I'm still genuine.

It feels real because it is.

Zoe said...

This is something I think quite a bit about actually. While I am always me, I'm a different aspect of me in different blog circles.

What I find interesting are the 'cliques', I don't really mean to use cliques in a negative way here or to mean that these people are exclusive but rather that they seem to run in the same circles. I do wonder why certain people read certain blogs but not others, and it's interesting to see where they overlap and where they don't.

I wonder if the people who I consider to be a clique would think of themselves as such. I don't know, it's something to ponder.

Random Reflections said...

I think I am probably quite myself when I blog, but as it is limited to words ona page, I imagine people fill in the blanks and come up with a person that is slightly different.

Bloggers who I have met seem to not be surprised by who I am in person.

r.d. said...

Hey afunt, bring a bottle of wine over and we can discuss the whole damn thing. This topic requires conversation. Conversation and truth- both of which we cannot get through "blogging". It is all quite interesting though...

I can usually tell from the first page if I want to stick around or not. I like to believe the 'good' stuff comes through more often and more easily through blogging than in real life and if it doesn't than I personally can't be bothered with what's beyond it. Sounds harsh but it's the truth. Just 'keeping it real' afunt- keeping it real...

Kelly said...

Great topic, AF!

I think online communication can be a mixed bag sometimes. On the one hand, it invites intimacy. There's the opportunity to get to know someone in a much deeper way via the written word than you often can face-to-face.

Then again, it can be easier to hide behind those words because of the safety of not being face-to-face. I had an ex tell me that the person I showed online wasn't the same person I was in "real life" in one regard. She said I came across as more confident online than I really was. I don't argue with her opinion but it wasn't a deliberate act of duplicity. I just wanted to be whatever she wanted me to be. (Can we say, "Therapy Topic?!) =:0

I said this on another blog once before but I believe that the people we meet and connect with online are people we're supposed to connect with anyway. The internet was merely the vehicle for the introduction.

storm indigo said...

You know, it's funny. I am very true to who i really am online. On line, though what i write is open to interpretation, i tend to give my strongest and most honest opinion, or i just don't comment. I hope my humor and sarcasm come through;and i think given the context, it is often taken in the spirit in which it is meant. I love it.

When I log on and read through the circle of blogs i frequent, it's like chatting on the phone and catching up with a friend's day. Sometimes it's a party, sometimes like a conversation over dinner (with wine of course). I avoid blogs that seem less than genuine. I think the diversity makes us all appreciate it all the more. I know that sometimes i have to think of things differently than i would have without a differing point of view, but I seek this in my life, opportunities to learn and grow.

I am always struck by how compartmentalized our blogs are. As bare as mine can be in spots there are other aspects of my life I barely touch on.

I will have to ask how true my online self is to my 'real life' self.

Middle Girl said...

I've only met two bloggers (so far) they were both how they appear on-line, or as I perceived them to be. I was overjoyed with this-as we had built a relationship that I didn't want to lose.

When you meet people face to face, so many other factors come into play..beyond what is said, that can alter intital perceptions.

It can be easy to hide behind this wall of anonymity, to build a persona. I also think that the essence of a person, rises to the surface.

SassyFemme said...

What a great post. Discussion on this could go on for days!

I have to agree with Theresa, it feels real because it is real, for the most part. Yes, we do occasionally run across someone who's not as they appear to be, or someone who's a true nutcase, just as in our 3-D world. Mostly though, it's just nice peole with whom we have something in common. Just as in 3-D sometimes something clicks and we find a dear new friend, and the friendship moves far past that of the blog.

As far as how I am on my blog, all I can say is that I'm me. I don't know how to be anyone or anything else. I do know that some purposely only show a certain side of themselves, because that's what they're comfortable with. I've learned over time, though, that we see the sum of the parts, and we do get to see more sides of the person, and it's wonderful! Only Daughter is right, the essence of the person does rise to the surface.

I agree that like in real life we're drawn to certain blogs/people. I find it interesting that I'm drawn to such a wide variety though, and sometimes people that have seemingly nothing in common with me. There's just something about them that keeps me going back.

The community of caring and friendship that has grown has been so amazing, and such a surprise. It's not something I ever would have expected a couple of years ago when I started blogging, despite all the previous online community experience I've had. It's like the icing on the blog cake!

To answer Zoe's question of why groups of people read certain blogs but not others, I think it's partly because we sometimes just don't know about a blog. I love it when someone emails me to go check out a blog they think I'd like. Sometimes I do like it, sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's one I just read from time to time, or one I read all the time, but feel weird commenting on.

Sorry this was so long!

Zanne said...

Hello! It's funny because I just wrote an essay on this exact topic as part of my submission to divinity school. I have actually met 2 of the people that are my blogging buddies and have formed some special relationships. There are always the crazies and imposters just like in real life, but what amazed me was the kindness and generosity of the people I've met through blogging. People have listened to me, laughed with me, and even helped me with my admission applications to seminary. I so enjoy people's pictures, rants & raves, silliness, and humor. I'm all for any way that helps us connect! Hugs!

afuntanilla said...

i appreciated and enjoyed reading all your thoughtful comments and musings on this subject. and yes, we could talk more and more on this topic. fascinating. sassy -- don't ever apologize for the length!! that's the best part. :)