Tuesday, January 23, 2007

At my desk

As I was at my desk today, I had a 1/2 eaten powerbar sitting on my desk.
This collegue of mine walked past my desk and just picked up my half-eaten still wrapped powerbar and was reading the contents.
It cracks me up. Now that I have gotten to know him, this does not bother me. I can totally see where it would bother most people…his lack of boundaries…but he is such a goof, a 50+ year old cool goof, that I just have to laugh.


Trinity2 said...

I thought you were going to say he took a bite of it! Was quite relieved when that wasn't so. Talk about boundaries!

r.d. said...

I thought you were going there too-phew.

Theresa said...

I love when my relationships with people get to the point where we both feel comfortable and relaxed with one another ... and each other's half-eaten food :)

Kelly said...

I'm sharing a brain with T2 and R.D. today. :)

storm indigo said...

I thought the very same thing. But I do enjoy it when I get comfortable enough with people that their quirks aren't an issue.

afuntanilla said...

actually, one time, some other collegue DID take a bite of a powerbar on my desk. I looked at him incredulously and he said, "what? I'm hungry"


SassyFemme said...

OMG, that would drive me insane. I'd have to say something.

Middle Girl said...

I could not imagine a scenario where any one of my co-workers would touch my food on my desk These guys hesitate to remove someone else's mug from the microwave.

If it did happen? I'd probably be stunned silent--momentarily. ;p