Wednesday, January 03, 2007


So, I get to work this morning..and there is a round tin on my desk with a card. I'm thinking to myself, "who left me a gift? That is strange…" I open the card and see who it is from and I say, "oh NO".

Begrudgingly, I open the tin and look inside for what I already know is there….A BIG TIN OF COOKIES.
If you don't know why this is a problem, see my sidebar January resolution. AAAUGGGGHHHH!

I completely forgot that during the holiday I had asked a co-workers mom to make these cookies for me becaause they are some of the best I have ever tasted…an oatmeal with chocolate chips. So freaking yummy. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?

***update** ok. i had 1 because a sweet woman made them especially for me. I am gonna freeze all the rest and save til February. thx for all the input! :)


Middle Girl said...

Wow...a challenge to your resolve. That was quick.

When you said you were giving up cookies &...was it just for January or January + ...maybe you could freeze the cookies.


Trinity2 said...

I can't help you there, man - one of my resolutions is tight abs.

Zoe said...

You're supoosed to send them to me.

That is sort of the way of the world isn't it. I'd send a thank you the cookies were delicious note, and give them to someone else who can't be linked back to the giver.

Kelly said...

I'm thinking along the same lines as only daughter. If the abstinence is short-term, then freezing would be an option. If it's a permanent ban, they'll need to find another home. :)

afuntanilla said...

can i freeze for a month. my cookie ban is only for a month?

Theresa said...

Get some good freezer bags and you're those cookies are good as gold!!!

Maggie said...

I'd eat a couple of cookies. Mainly because I'd asked for them. Then I'd freeze the rest if I could.
Or, send them to Cookie Monster Zoe.

r.d. said...

I say screw the ban. Is depriving youself of delicious cookies really going to get you anywhere? Just run another mile or cut back somewhere else. Save two or four and pass the rest along or throw them away. Frozen cookies? forget about it-they won't taste good at all. Banning anything you love is bad news... it'll come back to bite you-

Trinity2 said...

Yeah, I'm with r.d. - why ban cookies mz. "I'm gonna run a 50 mile race this year" ;-)

Zoe said...

An answer to your Chicago question, I'm not sure yet. I'd like to, but my favorite cousin is getting married in Chicago the following weekend so I'll have to see if I can swing back to back weekend trips to Chicago. There are many other variables that are also factors right now that will become more clear closer to then.