Wednesday, January 17, 2007

gobble, gobble..


I just figured out how to play this at work. YIKES.

One of my favorite games!!

And you know what? I'll take any of you on!! :)


Trinity2 said...

Yikes is right! I have this at home on atari - you can borrow it!

Middle Girl said...

I found it once and promptly lost it again. I was so bad at this game, not good for my psyche. no. not. good.

Enjoy! :)

Theresa said...

Aren't you a confident little sassy-pants!

afuntanilla said...

theresa-- bring it on, girl. :)

storm indigo said...

oh,no. I was never any good at that game. Now, Centipede is a different story...feeling lucky?

afuntanilla said...

storm--i LOVE CENTIPEDE. We would be hooked for a while!! :)