Wednesday, April 25, 2007

meet me

just when she wasn’t looking, she found a card. the perfect card. she wasn’t sure when she would send it, but she knew who is was for. “better buy it now”, she thought, and “worry about sending it later.”

later that evening, she was thinking of the one who gets her all stirred up. they hadn’t seen each other in a while and it was bothering her. She remembered that E. was away at a conference and she wouldn’t be back in town until later in the week. Suddenly, she thought what to do with the card. She would fedex it to her with a note.

First, she had to do some detective work and find out where in the hell she was staying in Houston. After some clever maneuvering, she found out it was the Westin Hotel.

Now all she needed to do was prepare the package. She wanted it to be something different; something unexpected and alluring. She took out the card from her bag and opened it. She read the words on last time before sealing it and sending it off to another state. The caption on the card read:

“We do not remember days. We remember moments.”

Beneath it were her own words to E.

“Care to share another one?

Meet me at 213 Palm Dr, this Saturday at 7 p.m.

Don’t RSVP. I know you will be able to come if I see you there...”

She smiled rereading what she had wrote and got a tingling in her stomach. In all honesty, she was tickled by herself and her own cleverness and spontaneity. She smiled at the thought of E. receiving a fedex at a hotel while out of town.

Her pulse quickened at the thought of whether E. would show or not. It was definitely exciting, the NOT KNOWING. And she truly hoped she did not get a RSVP. She didn’t want to know. She just wanted her to show or not show. Period.

She put the card in the fedex it, sealed it and attached a label. Fairly soon, the fedex guy or gal would be there soon for the late morning pickup.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

had to blog about this...

it happened last weekend. i woke up saturday morning, in the little cabin rental, with a huge sold sore on my bottom lip. i have only gotten this maybe 2 times before, but never so bad or painful as this time.

so. before heading out for my trail run, i stopped into the Food Lion and bought a powerbar and looked for some ointment to put on this thing! i’m not too savvy with medicinal products, but i remember someone saying something about Neosporin.
So, i bought the neosporin. Nevertheless, it didn’t seem to work and so i just dealt with it. i guess you just have to wait these things out, i thought. the thing was pretty damn ugly for 48 hours, but by the time i got to work on monday, it didn’t look so bad. However, i just KNEW that some people would make comments about it, or just look at me funny.

So, of course, I walk in and talk to my buddy, AJ, and she says, “hey..Oh, YOU GOT A FEVER BLISTER”. As if i didn’t know. I don’t mind AJ saying anything cause she is my pal and even told me what medicine i SHOULD have bought.

As the day progressed, a few people i came into contact with simply said, “wow..what happened to your lip?” If i were quicker on my feet, i would have been able to say that i got into a fight or was kissing someone for too long or something really clever. BUT, I AM NOT QUICK ON MY FEET.

It just really cracks me up that people even ask the question: “wow, what happened to your lip?” I mean, they have no qualms about it. I would never ask someone that question. maybe a close friend, but not a co-worker.

Then, yesterday, i went across the street to the grocery store. Being that i go there about 4 times a week, i and the cashiers are familiar with each other. We don’t carry on conversations or anything, but we smile at each other and say hello. we know we recognize each other. When i went in at lunchtime yesterday, the cashier greeted me and then saw my cold sore and said, “oh, you have a cold sore” in her soft, somewhere accented voice. Her nametag reads FATITMA. She was sweet about it, like she was caring. However, this completely made me crack up laughing as I left the store. A virtual stranger making a comment about my damn cold sore. Up until then, I had no thought of blogging about it, but after Fatitma comment, i just had to.

People never seem to amaze!! What a hoot!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


water is amazing. it can heal. it can hurt. it can ruin things, destroy things. it can be calm and soothing and it can be raucous and treacherous. it can take a life. it can save a life. too much of it and it can devastate. too little of it and it can devastate. isn’t it interesting how even with water, we learn balance. it teaches balance. a surfer needs to balance just so on the water to do their thing; runners need to balance their water intake with their output. farmers NEED water for their crops, grape vines need water to grow in order to turn grapes into wine. Less and less water, and there is drought. more and more water and there are floods. both damaging, both potentially very detrimental from an physical and economic standpoint. so many things are interconnected, interdependent through water, alone.

Water seems such a huge part of my days, my existence. i am constantly going to the breakroom at the office to refill my water bottles. (and thus, constantly, going to the bathroom)
i am constantly aware of my need to go to the store to BUY water. BUY water. Amazing, isn’t it. Isn’t it in great abundance all around us, but we need to PURCHASE IT? And like so many other products, their is a range from unattractive packaging to very sexy packaging. Is it a Coke bottled water or a Pepsi bottled water? A FIJI or an Evian or the Starbucks EOS? Or the even sleeker, sexier, VOSS bottled water? Even the water bottlers/companies have figured how to package something and charge outrageous amounts. We pay more for water per gallon than we do for gas. much more. just consider that for a second.....

so many people get so angry and outraged at the price per gallon of gas; what about the price per gallon of WATER?

When did we even begin to buy bottled water? i recall the first time i really felt like i NEEDED to: in 1992, when i traveled in Thailand and Nepal.

Anyway, i crave water. I crave it on a hot day when i am out running and have none. I am appreciative to go into a starbucks, all sweaty and parched and ask for a cup of water. they offer the COLDEST water out of any place i know. and when you just ask for it, it’s free.

I crave it while living in a city completely landlocked, with any big body of water about 5-6 hours away.

However, here i sit on a saturday morning, lucky to be in the woods, in a cabin nestled between 2 little creeks. Water flows by as i write and i can hear it streaming over the rocks and on it’s way to wherever it goes. I am grateful for the sound, the scene.

...Hence, this post on H20. Drink and be merry!


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Instantaneous Responses

hottest woman: halle berry

best drink: coffee, peets

most unlikeable person: Don Imus

best smell: carnation flowers

best smell i miss: Eucalyptus trees

most annoying: SF Giants 2-7 start to the season, uugghh

most exciting: Atlanta Thrahsers first ever playoff game tonight

hottest music video: Madonna’s “VOGUE”

place I want to go: Lake Tahoe

biggest dream: finishing an IRONMAN

favorite article of clothing: big, fuzzy socks i got at xmas

last thing that made me blush a little: cute girl at coffeeshop talking to me

best part of my day: early AM, having coffee, being quiet

what i miss: big hugs from my closet friends

what i miss #2: water

what i am waiting for in the mail: hopefully an entry into PEACHTREE RD RACE

what i am saving for: BLOGGER TRIP TO CHI-TOWN. YIPPEE

what i’m craving: Almond Croissant

song in my head: ‘GREATEST LOVE OF ALL’ -by Whitney

“I decided long ago never to walk in anyone’s shadow. If i fail, If I succeed, at least I’ll live as I believe...”


Friday, April 06, 2007

Happiness from the week

happiness is: waking up at 4am to go to bathroom and realizing i have 2 more hours of sleep til i have to get up. yeah. i love sleep!

happiness is: waking up to see the SF Giants won their ballgame last night.

happiness is: having the day off for Good Friday

happiness is: making my very first batch of Guacamole!! Yummy

happiness is: going for a run in very cool temperatures after running in warm/humid conditions.

happiness is: watching The Masters on TV

happiness is: getting a good review @ work and an even better RAISE

happiness is: getting my running magazine in the mail

happiness is: time to linger with a good cup of coffee

happiness is: brining the receptionist at work a “treat” when least expected

happiness is: having enough $ to pay for large, unexpected expenses without accruing debt

happiness is: finding a great pair of trousers for work, on sale

happiness is: finding self at weeks end and realizing i stuck to my budgeting plan

happiness is: a great nights sleep

Feel free to share your “happy” moments from the week or...whenever..
